Independent Bulk Carriers A/S
’Independent Bulk Carriers A/S is a dry bulk operating company established in 2019, financed by Danish investors, within the industry.
The company is registered with the Danish Company Register under reference number 4080 4099, auditors being Grant Thornton, insurance is covered by Skuld, Copenhagen and banking business handled via Jyske Bank.
About us
The company commenced operations December 2019 from their domicile in Hellerup, led by the experienced and well reputed shipping executive – Soren Jonsson, who for many years was a director and partner with another Danish dry bulk operating company.
Based on experience and expertise, the focus is primarily on the handy size segment, supported by Owners and Charterers with whom a close and mutually trusted working relationship has been established through the years. We believe in strong ties on both the tonnage as well as the cargo side, always based on an honest, dedicated and flexible performance to the satisfaction of the parties involved.
Independent Bulk Carriers A/S offer competitive, tailormade solutions and welcome your requirements.
Why choose Independent Bulk Carriers A/S as your Carrier?
You will work with professionals who through a personal and agile approach, facilitate all your needs and requirements to ensure the optimal transportation of your cargoes.